This document is under active development!
If you find errors or missing information in this document, please don’t hesitate to submit an issue or open a pull request with a fix. We encourage you to submit questions and discuss any aspects of the project on github. We are happy to welcome new contributors! |
Execution Use Case
1. From SaaS Instance to my local Selenium/Appium installation
Test Data
2. Connect to a SQL data source
3. Connect to a CSV file data source shared from Gdrive
Create your file on GDrive either by uploading it from your local computer, either directly from GDrive by using : New >> More >> Text Editor.
Then, paste the data :
ID123,Olivier Durand ID222,Benoit Dupont ID999,Denis Smith
On the created file, select 'Share' then pick the option to get a link available for all people on the Internet.
The provided link should look like this :
following this format
Extract the YOUR_ID data and replace in the url :
That provide this result :
Create testdatalib.
Create a Testdatalib with type CSV and put in CSV URL the below URL :
Feed and map the subdata with column numbers. You can now use the testdatalib on your testcase properties.
The file can be edited using Google Text Editor and new value will be used live on the following execution. |
5. Github actions
6. Gitlab CICD
7. CICD campaign result
8. email notifications
You can easily be notified by Email whenever the execution of your campaign starts and/or ends
Go to the menu
Set Y - Yes to Email Notify Start of execution if you want to receive an email everytime the execution of your campaign starts
Set Y - Yes to Email Notify End of execution if you want to receive an email everytime the execution of your campaign ends
Fill the Distribution List field with the email adresses that will receive the notifications set previously (example:;;
N.B. : If the campaign is empty (no test execution set in the campaign), the email notification won’t be sent
9. Slack notifications
You can be notified on Slack channels whenever the execution of your campaign starts and/or ends
Slack account and workspace created (get one on
Slack public channel created to receive the notifications (create one directly inside Slack)
Cerberus Testing Campaign created available in the menu
1. Create a Slack application
Navigate to on the Slack account that contains your channel
Define your "App Name" and select your "Workspace"
2. Activate Workspace Webhooks
Navigate in the bottom page to "Add features and functionality", and select "Incoming Webhooks"
Switch on the slider "Active Incoming Webhooks"
3. Retrieve the Webhook URL
Navigate in the botoom page to "Webhook URLS for Your Workspace" and click on "Add New Webhook to Workspace"
Keep the Webhook URL that has been created and verify it is set on the correct channel
4. Setting up the Campaign Parameters
Go to the menu
Select your *Event reference" for start or end
Select the "Hook Connector" to "Slack"
Set the Hook recipient with the webhook url and the Hook channel with your #channel
Test your notifications by running the campaign and verify the slack message appears if the condition are met
You can configure as many notifications using the event hooks combination |
Related resources
Tutorial video
10. Google Chat notifications
11. Microsoft Teams notifications
External tools
12. JIRA Xray
JIRA Xray is a test management platform that integrate with JIRA platform. Cerberus integrate with Xray on both Cloud and DC versions.
A JIRA platform with Xray app installed.
A few Cerberus Tescases and at least a campaign
If you are using a JIRA Cloud platform, you will have to configure the authentification detailed on chapter 1. and then define the testcase links between Cerberus and Xray on chapter 3. If you are using a JIRA DC platform, you will have to configure the authentification detailed on chapter 2. and then also define the testcase links between Cerberus and Xray on chapter 3.
1. Configure Cerberus with JIRA Authentification (if using JIRA Cloud)
On JIRA side, go to JIRA Menu Apps >> Manage your Apps then select API Key from the left menu.
Click on Create API Key button in order to open a new modal screen that will ask you to select the user that will act as Cerberus. Click on Generate button. A client id and client secret is generated.
On Cerberus Side, set the 2 parameters cerberus_xraycloud_clientid and cerberus_xraycloud_clientsecret with the Client ID and Secret defined from JIRA Side.
2. Configure Cerberus with JIRA Authentification (if using JIRA DC)
On JIRA side, go to JIRA Menu Administration.
Then select your organisation.
Then Go to Settings.
Then Go to API Keys.
Then Click on Create API Key.
Choose a name and an expiration date for your key.
Then copy the created key.
On Cerberus Side, set the 2 parameters cerberus_xraydc_token with the previously created API Key and cerberus_xraydc_url with the URL to your JIRA instance following the schema : (NB : /rest/raven/2.0/api will be added by Cerberus in order to access the API).
3. Link the Cerberus Testcases with JIRA Xray
Edit Testcase header of every of your testcase that you want to link with JIRA Xray in order to
feed External provider to JiraXray-Cloud if using a Cloud version of Xray or JiraXray-DC if you are using the DC version.
feed External Reference to the Epic reference (ex : CER-1)
Execute your campaign that contain the executions. After a while you will see on the Tag Detail section the reference of the Test Execution Epic on JIRA side with a button that will bring you to the new Epic Xray screen.
At the end of every testcase execution, Cerberus will make API call to Xray in order to create the 'Test Execution' Epic if it doesn’t exist and add the Cerberus execution inside it as a test run.
The button will bring you to the JIRA page :
In case or error you can consult the Log viewer from Administration menu that will report the URL called and error received from the JIRA server. That error message also appear on Campaign execution screen as a tooltip on the ERROR field |
Token Cache duration can be tuned thanks to parameter : cerberus_xray_tokencache_duration |
Environments can be send to JIRA XRay if you activate parameter : cerberus_xray_sendenvironments_enable |